22 April 2016

Leicester City F.C. and Budhism

Since Leicester City F.C. was promoted from Champions league and get to the top of Premiere League tables just only 2 years. The successful are almost surprise just not English fans but also the country of FC ownership by Thai people also.

One picture that people in Thailand most talk about is how come of Leicester City F.C. success is one activity that look more spiritual by get bless from Buddhism monk. That's sure for Thailand are the country most prey for Buddhism and also some supernatural phenomenon will talk about.

Someone you may like to known how Buddhism can help, and what the fact what's going on when you practice in Buddhism way. How it supernatural. And is it real for this FC getting to success?
Thai Monks blessing Leicester FC
[ImgSrc. footballlive.ng]

The answer is NO, there is no charge of supernatural things happened, But I can tell the success of Leicester City F.C. in case they practice as Buddhism. Here the brief

Buddhism, are the practice from Great Buddha long time ago (2500 years). The target is to find the peaceful for living the life, the society, and the nature. Buddhist will inverse to other by they will not prey for any god but they will learn to human nature, behavior, and let other to practice for peaceful to living for each other.

There's huge amount of Great Buddha has been written for the practice in the different level of person whom wish to practice, that suitable for normal people and to high level monk. Anyone from any religious can get to the practice without requirement to change their respect from their own god.

In case of the player of this team practice in Buddhism way shall get more concentration when they play, avoid nervous when the situation is not right for the team or them self, reduce angriness. All can be success when you practicing in Buddhism way.

As Ranieri once give interview he said "We can win, we can lose, we can draw but I want to see the same mentality," once you can do like the sentence you are one step closer to way of Buddhism practice.

Claudio Ranieri (2016) [ImgSrc Telegraph]
In final, Buddhism just the one partial component of the success, the monk blessing is activity to remind just what you will thing depressed time. The major of the success is operational team, team management, coach, physical fitness, deep game-play analytic, special player skills, and hard training. Those are much more important things more than blessing.

Written by Tiwakorn Laophulsuk

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